Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Vocabulary 10 July 08

talk down to sb (ph) Some teachers compalined the principal always like to talk down to the teachers and the students.

broaden (v) The experience from traveling China will broaden his understand of the chinese community.

crude (a) The student's crude manners must be repudiated by the teacher and the principal.

disparaging (a) The sentence was disparaging about the Chinese living environment.

come off (ph) The presentation was came off the communication skill from Obama.

acolyte (n) The young guy is a acolyte of the Reverend in the church.

slay (slain) (v) Lincole is a slain president of US and a great leader.

mike (n) (v) The teacher would like to teaching by a mike.

unequivocally (ad) Teachers repudiated the opinion from the principal unequivocally.

reverend (the Reverend) (a) (n) The director of the school is a reverend lawyer, a close friend of the Reverend ABC.

condemned (a) The statement seems a condemned sentence for the student in the exam room.

thoroughly (ad) The policy invested the case thoroughly to find out the crimer.

repudiate (v) The actress repudiated the relationship with the tycoon.

rhetoric (n) The principal deeply appreciated the rhetoric of the parent representative in the ceremony.

utter (v) (a) He uttered a sigh when he understood the exam was failed.

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